Note to Bankruptcy and White Collar Defense Attorneys

As this economic tsusami shows no sign of slowing down, practitioners in counter-cyclical areas such as bankruptcy and white collar criminal law are once again in great demand, reminiscent of the last cataclysmic downturn at the turn of the millenium when the dot-com bubble burst and Enron collapsed. But when is the ideal time for bankruptcy and criminal defense attorneys to start exploring their options?

Now! And by advising you to explore now, we are not suggesting that you move immediately. But it is essential that you keep in mind that the market is indeed cyclical and the premium attached to your expertise during this crisis has a life span. Whether the storm will last five more months or five more years, it certainly won’t last forever. Firms that had no need for more bankruptcy or white collar lawyers a few months ago may be seeking voraciously to strengthen their capacities in these areas today, and as such increases in compensation and elevations of status may now be much more attainable. Bottom line: opportunities currently abound but they won’t indefinitely.

If you are a bankruptcy or white collar criminal defense practitioner at a firm which you feel is not showing you adequate appeciation for your efforts, odds are there are presently others that will show you more. So do yourself a favor and consult with a good guide to ascertain your current market value and make sure you are not being undervalued, undercompensated or undersold, wherever you happen to be.

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