Thank You, Joseph Shenker and Sullivan & Cromwell

There are many reasons why Sullivan & Cromwell is arguably the world’s most prestigious law firm, but perhaps first and foremost is the fact that they always seem to lead the market in doing the right thing when it comes to their clients, vendors and employees.   The firm hires the most talented and ethical people to service their clients, pays over-the-market rates to their valued vendors, makes doing business with them a pleasure, and compensates their own people at the very top of the market as well. 

A recent instance of Sullivan & Cromwell leadership-by-example is the firm’s public stance against hiring individuals who have engaged in the activity indicative of support for the terrorist group Hamas that has infested America’s universities since Ocober 7, 2023, the day that Hamas and Palestinians under their control engaged in a murder, rape, torture and kidnapping spree in Israel that resulted in the death of over 1200 civilians, the torture and maiming of hundreds of others and the taking of over 250 hostages.  As reported in Bloomberg Law, Sullivan & Cromwell’s senior chair Joseph Shenker stated that the firm “ha[s] been following closely the events at the schools from which we recruit, and [we] have been in touch with the placement offices, deans, and trustees, as well as many concerned students.  Creating, or participating in, a climate of harassment, intimidation and discrimination is unacceptable. We have been very open about our firm’s views on these matters … We have been, and will be, extremely vigilant in our hiring activities to ensure we are only hiring those students we are comfortable will proudly represent the values and principles of our firm.”

It is beyond question that Hamas is a death cult committed to the genocide of Jews.  As Chaim Steinmetz, the senior Rabbi of New York’s largest orthodox Jewish congregation, brilliantly summarized on Instagram earlier this week in the aftermath of the Israeli Defense Force’s rescue of a Moslem Arab-Israeli citizen from the dungeons of Hamas after 326 days in captivity: 

“Yesterday’s hostage rescue can teach you everything you need to know about the Hamas-Israel conflict.  Let’s see what Hamas is all about and what Israel is all about.   Let’s look at what the Hamas charter says:  ‘The day of judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews killing the Jews.’  That’s what Hamas believes in, killing Jews. Not Zionists, not Israelis, but Jews.  Let’s look at the Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.  He’s known as the butcher of Khan Yunis because he’s killed so many of his own Palestinians.  Hamas has a Stasi like secret police force that observes every person in Gaza.   Let’s look at Hamas’ objectives.  Sinwar wants more civilian casualties.  He’s written in private communications:  ‘No blood, no news’ and all he wants is the attention of the world.  Now let’s look at Israel.   Israel’s Declaration of Independence says that it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion race or sex.  Israel believes in the rights of minorities.  Arabs serve on Israel’s Supreme Court, in Israel’s Knesset and in the Officer Corps of the IDF.  When you visit Israel, you’ll see Arab citizens in the hotels of Tel Aviv and the shopping malls of Jerusalem, and any serious observer could see this contrast in the rescue of the hostage Farhan Al-Qadi.  Al-Qadi is an Israeli citizen who is a Muslim Arab.  He actually was a security guard in one of the Kibbutzim before he was kidnapped by Hamas.  Israel sent the IDF in to save his life.  The contrast between Israel and Hamas is a contrast between caring for your citizens or using them as cannon fodder.  It is a contrast between life and death, and as the Torah reading tells us this week, we need to choose the path of life.  Hamas has chosen the path of death.”

So why would anyone in their right mind, let alone a preeminent law firm, want to hire or otherwise affiliate with any individual who supports Hamas in any way?   As Judge Matthew Solomson of the US Court of Federal Claims stated shortly after the October 7 massacre:  “To me, it’s a simple proposition that just like no judge would hire anyone who endorsed the KKK or the Nazis, anyone who endorses or approves or otherwise gives comfort to — in writing — Hamas, should not be hired.” See

Nobody is questioning the right of students or other individuals who are privileged to live in the United States of America to publicly express their evil inclinations, idiocy or ignorance by demonstrating in support of Hamas.  But no law firm should hire these people.  So thank you, Mr. Shenker for stating the obvious:  “[W]e are asking people to pay [our attorneys] a lot of money for their critical thinking skills. If their critical thinking skills land them in that place [blaming the victims of the terror for the terror], then they have no place here.” See Elite Biglaw Firm Adopts Tougher Background Checks For New Hires Amid Campus Protests – Above the Law

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